When life sends you a P.S.

How an aerogramme from more than 50 years ago filled in a narrative gap in my grandfather's story.

Belated birthday greetings to my late grandfather, Brian Rockel (otherwise known as the Nicest Man You’d Ever Hope To Meet) for what would have been his 116th birthday on March 1, St David’s Day.

While I’ve already told Brian’s story, I recently found an aerogramme (anyone remember those?) from Brian’s father, my great-grandfather Cecil Rockel, telling the story of Brian’s birth. Cecil lived a long life and stayed sharp until the end. This aerogramme shows his sense of humour, too.

He was writing to congratulate my mother on the birth of my sister, and showing some solidarity by giving her a “did you know” story from the birth of his own first child. It was a lovely gesture, and a delight to find, so many years later.

As per Mum’s habit, the stamp was ripped out to add to the collection. But the rest of the letter is very clear, 50+ years later. Here are some of the funniest bits:

Congratulations on the great achievement. Very good indeed! And good to hear that everything is in order. Now I will begin to feel old, with great-grand-daughters popping up here & there (so far I’m only a mere 84, you know). I’m only sorry that great-gran isn’t here to be glad with me. 

Between ourselves, it’s hard to realise that your father is a grand-father now. I so vividly remember when he arrived, in Taihape of all places. Gran was in a hospital there awaiting his arrival & I had gone up from Utiku to see her. I waited to get her a cup of tea in the town as I was a bit early for visiting time. While I was there the place caught fire & I dashed out to get to the hospital before the news of the fire reached gran (she hated fires) & upset her (I haven’t yet paid for that tea) & found that a son had arrived. I may add that by the time I came away half of Taihape was in flames. 

I’m looking forward to telling Cecil’s story in a future episode, but for now I am left with the mental image of Cecil, all afluster, with thoughts of his cup of tea interrupted by the joy of a new life, and the worry of an encroaching town fire! “In Taihape, of all places!” (Well worth a visit, by the way. They don’t have fires on the regular, as far as I know)

Finally, here’s a remarkable photo, from just a few months later. Four generations in one picture.

Did life ever send you a P.S? When you thought you’d finished the story, some small detail came along to make it that much more interesting? Let me know in the comments.

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